Saturday, February 23

Time to Move On

Feb 23, 1998 - Ten years ago came the official and inevitable announcement. Indeed Lush already had outlived most all of their contemporaries. For a decade their music never faultered as it remained on the leading edge, perhaps too much so for the tastes of some. For the band it was always about living Life, for all it's pitfalls and spectacular glories. Life fed the soul of the music which they made. It had been almost a year and a half since the tragic, shocking loss of drummer Chris Acland, which had brought all Lush endeavors to a sudden and complete halt.

Miki: "For me personally, it was Chris's death, and Chris's death only that finished Lush. I enjoyed being in the band immensely, I'm glad I did it. But that really was a full stop, his personality was such a major part of the band."

Lush was done. Now it was confirmed that it was time for those who remained to move on and make a new life.

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